

“Anick has introduced me to Tai Chi over the last year and I have found her classes so calming and helpful.

She is very patient while we take so long to learn all the steps”

Sue A

“As my coach, Anick has helped me see my true values and what is important to me. I have the ability with my mindset to create what is important to me, and I realised where my passion lies.

I was able to breakthrough limiting beliefs, energetic blocks and trapped emotions. I am able to move forward in achieving my goals and able to change my habits that do not serve me.


“This is a very kind, friendly and soft way to learn Tai Chi what ever your age is.  Anick is very patient and perceptive to her students, sharing their progress and successes.

There is always a touch of laughter during the sessions. 

The best way to forget all the hassles of this crazy world.  Thank you!


“I engaged Anick for coaching at a time when I was feeling stuck in my business and not taking the action I wanted to take to achieve my goals and outcomes.
I loved the structure and processes that Anick took me through in her eight week break through coaching program. Meeting weekly was fantastic as it kept me on track and the step-by-step processes guided and supported my progress and helped me to break through my blocks and barriers. I cleared some blocks that had been resistant to many other tools and techniques.
Anick was an awesome coach in all ways. I found her deeply caring and committed, and also great at both encouraging me and challenging me when I went off track from my action steps.
I found the eight week coaching so beneficial that when I completed the first eight weeks, I did a second eight week program with Anick to to work on a different goal and this was even more amazing. It cleared my blocks and got me moving on my business development finding more clients and launching my India retreat. Thank you Anick. 
I highly recommend Anick  for coaching.”
“Anick is a wonderful teacher of Tai Chi.
She explains the movements in a simple and good humoured way.
She is passionate and understanding.
Wednesday is a great class!”
“Anick is a personable and fun coach who asked the questions I needed to move forward in my life,
She gave me the space and I felt free to be myself and not be judged.
I 100% recommend Anick to help you move forward in your life.”
“As a new comer to Tai Chi, I have found Anick to be a great teaacher and mentor.
She is very patient and has a great sense of humour.
I always enjoy her classes”
Sue D
“Having practiced Tai Chi with Anick for the past year, I welcomed the opportunity to join a 6 week course of Qigong.
It teaches techniques & focus on balancing your body’s energy (Qi)
I found it to be a peaceful form of fitness & self-care. A simple way to slow down. All about “flow” – which then flows on so well from the practice of Tai Chi & helped with my breathing & focus.
If you have the time, give the 6 weeks a try & be amazed at how you feel each week”
“I commenced Tai Chi 4 weeks ago.
I have previously had 5 spinal surgeries, a hip replacement and a  total knee replacement.
All of these disabilities affected my balance which resulted in multiple falls.
In the short time that I have been doing Tai Chi, my balance has improved remarkably, to the extend that I can now stand on one leg for a short time and it’s improving each week.
I can recommend Tai Chi to anyone with injuries and pain as  movements are slow and graceful.
Anick, our instructor is extremely knowledgeable and very patient “
“My first introduction to Tai Chi & how lucky to find such a kind & compassionate instructor.

Anick teaches with knowledge & understanding of the movements required, keeps an eye on people in the class & corrects us in a gentle way so as not to put unnecessary strain on our bodies.

A great instructor, who encourages each one of us, but still understands our different capabilities, making you feel inclusive in the class.

One of my favourite days in the week

the peace & structure of Tai Chi

“I currently attend Tai Chi classes run by Anick Beaumont.
Anick is an excellent teacher who is totally professional whilst making each lesson enjoyable, motivating and fun.
She never makes you feel uncomfortable if you are having difficulty with a particular exercise. She puts you through the movements step by step soy you are able to follow and complete the movements correctly.
I am sure we all enjoy our lessons and look forward to it each week”
“Since moving to the area in July 2022, I have been searching for Tai Chi sessions which did not involve the more combative style of Tai Chi. Thus, I was most relieved to discover the gentle and free-flowing style of Anick Beaumont’s Tai Chi sessions.
I especially comment Anick for any correction being given to the group and thus individuals are not singled out.
This certainly contributes to the most welcoming, calm and relaxed atmosphere of Anick’s classes which are thoroughly enjoyed by all participants”
“Love the Tai Chi class!
Anick is very knowledgeable and the class is very relaxing and fun.
Highly recommend”
“Anick’s Tai Chi classses have made a huge difference to my day.
I am more relaxed and able to cope with the days challenges”
“I am writing this to say what a fantastic experience it has been to be introduced to the world of Tai Chi.
Anick Beaumont is a very caring instructor. She takes the time to explain the moves and leads the beginner through the intricate moves.
Whilst doing this, she reinforces each move with others in the class who are more advanced.
On top of all this seriousness, there is a layer of fun and happiness.
Everyone in the classes has gained a lot of different levels.
Thank you Anick”
“I found Anick to be a genuine caring teacher.
Her passion for Tai Chi is evident in how she presents”
“Very enjoyable. I learned a lot.
I am glad I saw the event on Port Macquarie notice board.
Highly recommend”
“Anick is an amazing coach.
She is accepting and validating and creates a safe space to look at yourself.
I have been able to create extraordinary outcomes form working with her,
Anick is also a great Tai Chi teacher.
She has a very fun, relaxing style of teaching.
Her Tai Chi classes help my anxiety and help me feel calmer & relaxed”
“I have now attended Dancing Moon’s Tai Chi classes for over a year – I enjoy Anick’s classes.
Anick is positive, cheerful and patient. I feel confident in class, following her instructions, as I learn movements that I know will help me in my health moving forward.
I believe those who attend classes of Dancing Moon will be enlightened as they learn the art of Tai Chi in it’s many forms”
“Anick is a very kind, gentle teacher.
She is passionate about her teaching and loves sharing Tai Chi with everyone.
Highly recommend”

“Anick is excellent to teach how to make movements simple.

With her, it is Dancing on the moon and forget our stressed Earth

“Anick is very kind, caring and compassionate.
She is extremely passionate about Tai Chi and she is always keeping herself up to date on new teachings and how she can better help her clients.
I highly recommend”
“I began Anick’s class while recovering from a spinal fracture ( and nervous).
Thank you Anick for your patience and understanding, offering suggestions how I could participate. I appreciate your knowledge and awareness that gave me confidence to start.
The classes are great, helpful and fun, plus I’m really learning about Tai Chi which is most important to me.
Loving it!”
“Anick is a brilliant & gifted teacher who makes you feel comfortable, safe and most of all lots of laughter in her class.
She is great at breaking down each step with patience & kindness.
I went away learning Tai Chi movements I can do for myself at home and bring the exercise, flow & mind connection of Tai Chi to my every day life”