Meet Anick

Anick Beaumont

Originally from Canada, Anick had found a home and raised a family in Australia. She loves to learn from life’s experiences and has studied the works of Joe Dispenza, Abraham-Hicks, Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Greg Braden, Gary R. Renard, Louise Hay, and many others. The similarities and contrasts in the teachings fascinate and delight her and her thirst for knowledge continues to grow.

Her passion is martial arts: movement, grace, strength, focus and tenacity; mental and physical discipline; empowerment and self healing. It has helped her overcome adversities in her life and it continues to offer learning, growth and fun. She particularly loves the sense of connection, support and joy she derives from the martial arts community.

Helping others navigate through their life journey is another of Anick’s passion and is why she became a coach & mentor

As a natural teacher, Anick enjoys sharing her wisdom, knowledge and skills. As well as being a black belt in karate, Anick is a certified Tai Chi & Qigong Instructor.  Anick is also a Certified International Results Coach as well as a certified Practitioner in EFT, TFT, Tapping, meditation and Ho’oponopono.

Anick has trained with the Australian Tai Chi Institute, the Tai Chi for Health Institute, Nicole Lee of Nicole Lee Qigong and Roger Jahnke, founder of The Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi.  She has also studied with Benjamin J Harvey and Cham Tang, co-founders of Authentic Education as well as with Joe Vitale (Global Sciences Foundation),  Graham Nicholls (Strategic Coaching & Training), Shakti Durga (Shanti Mission), Dr. Joe Dispenza and more.

As someone  who loves to have fun and laugh, Anick’s Tai Chi & Qigong classes always include a playful element.  She finds that everyone learns much more in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Anick was also a co-founder of The Peace Shack which has been a long-cherished dream: for people to have a place to go where they can learn, grow, be supported, enjoy themselves, be respected and valued, and most importantly, know they are not alone. Although The Peace Shack has run it’s course as a centre, being part of that project reinforced her wanting to help others through Coaching, Tai Chi, Qigong and everything else she has learned on her journey.

Anick Beaumont

Certified Result Coach

Tai Chi instructor

Qigong instructor

Black Belt in Goshin Ryu Karate

EFT & TFT Tapping Practitioner

Meditation Practitioner

Ho’onopono Practitioner